Test with us

We offer non-targeted testing of products and samples for steroid hormones using our unique cell-free bioassay technology.

InsituGen’s multi-patented technology provides timely and accurate detection of all androgenic and estrogenic activity

InsituGen’s unique cell-free bioassays replicate natural biological pathways, detecting any known or unknown compound interacting with the androgen or estrogen receptors, providing unrivaled detection of total bioactivity in a sample.

Testing total androgen and estrogen bioactivity can provide a more complete view of steroid hormone profiles compared to existing methods.

Knowledge of total bioactivity can confirm for manufacturers that production processes are replicable and robust, and reassures manufacturers and end-users that products are free of unintended steroid hormone contamination.

InsituGen’s Service Laboratory –
New Zealand

InsituGen’s firstFlagX bioassay is used for the detection of estrogen and androgen bioactivity, testing human supplements, products, clinical and environmental samples for customers sent to our New Zealand facility.

Examples of samples tested include; 

  • human supplements and hygiene products to screen for unwanted contamination with compounds displaying estrogen and androgen bioactivity, 
  • human supplements to explore mechanism of action and confirm sample androgen bioactivity, 
  • freshwater samples for contamination with compounds displaying estrogen and androgen bioactivity, 
  • human plasma samples as part of academic and clinical research, and,
  • animal plasma samples for the detection of total androgen and estrogen bioactivity, in both health and anti-doping contexts

Case Studies

Supplement safety testing

Plasmaide sports supplements are used by amateur and professional sportspeople. Each batch of product is tested for androgen bioactivity using firstFlagX.

Undisclosed, or unintended, contamination of sports supplements with androgen bioactivity can impact an athletes health. Contaminated sports supplements have been cited as the source for failed doping tests at all levels of professional sports. 

Testing with firstFlagX reassures manufacturers and consumers that each batch of product is free from any androgenic steroid, ingredient, or contaminant.

Supplement activity testing

Samples containing variations of pine pollen extracts and materials provided by BioGold were tested with firstFlagX. Pine pollen is reported to contain brassinosteroids, plant hormones that are testosterone-like, that have previously shown to have anabolic effects, despite little androgenic activity on existing assays.

Testing with firstFlagX showed that pine pollen extracts activated the androgen receptor, with some variations being very strong antagonists, others out-competing testosterone, or acting synergistically with testosterone. The testing provides reassurance to the manufacturer and consumer that the product tested contains an effective dose of synergistically-acting plant steroids.


Product safety testing

Samples of Organic Initiative’s organic cotton tampons were tested for estrogen bioactivity using firstFlagX. Many sanitary products on the market are fully or partially made from synthetic fibres, with little known about their health impact. The results of the preliminary study can be found on Organic Initiative’s website.

Testing with firstFlagX helps manufacturers understand the quality and health implications of their raw materials, production processes, and products, and will reassure consumers that each batch has been tested for unintended estrogen bioactivity.

Clinical sample testing

Plasma samples provided by a NZ Medical Department at a leading hospital were tested with firstFlagX. Estrogen bioactivity in the samples from patients was assessed pre-and post-administration of a specific cancer drug understood to block estrogen synthesis. The use of firstFlagX provided full estrogen bioactivity data to the researchers, in a cost-effective manner, compared to existing analytical methods.

Environmental monitoring

Freshwater samples provided by a NZ Charitable Trust from waterways throughout New Zealand were tested with firstFlagX. The complete knowledge of estrogen bioactivity in these water samples were obtained faster and cheaper than existing methods. The non-targeted testing for estrogen bioactivity provides a greater understanding of the water’s health, and aides the Trust in pursuing their goals and outcomes for the environment.

Contact us to test your own products and samples


InsituGen’s bioassay technology offers the opportunity for meaningful interventions and outcomes via a wide-range of applications.

InsituGen’s unique cell-free bioassay replicates nature, detecting any activation of steroid hormone receptors.

Bioassay technology detects all bioactivity against specific receptors, without prior knowledge of chemical structures, reference libraries, or expensive specialist equipment. InsituGen’s technology is non-targeted, able to detect all bioactivity from a steroid hormone family in a sample.

The technology has been tested for a range of applications including sports doping in animals and humans, hormone profiling in companion animals, environmental water monitoring, and testing of supplements and wellness products for human use.

Learn more about InsituGen’s bioassay technology, and explore the potential applications.


Detection of designer steroids in racing horses and camels

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Steroid hormone testing for sports and nutritional supplements and wellness products

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Wellness testing in companion animals

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Monitoring environmental steroid hormone contamination

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