InsituGen’s bioassay technology transformed into a ready-to-use kit.

InsituGen’s bioassay technology has been transformed into a ready-to-use kit form for use in customers’ reference laboratories.

The firstFlagX Androgen bioactivity test kit (FFX-1) enables laboratories to detect total androgen bioactivity, including unknown androgens, designer steroids, testosterone-mimics, or any other compound that binds to the androgen receptor.

firstFlagX is an ideal screening tool that complements existing detection methods and fits within existing laboratory workflows.

firstFlagX is currently used in throughbred horse and camel anti-doping laboratories.

firstFlagX – Androgen bioactivity test kit

InsituGen’s first cell-free bioassay test kit. The firstFlagX Androgen bioactivity test kit replicates the cellular pathways in the cell, in an ready-to-use 96-well format kit with fluorescence output easily read by benchtop fluorometers.

firstFlagX provides a result within 2 hours, using standard laboratory equipment. It is cost-effective, with no cell culture or long incubation times required. It works as a companion screening tool with existing chemical analysis techniques.

firstFlagX is non-targeted, providing detection of all androgen bioactivity from any known or unknown source – ideal for the detection of designer steroids, or unintended contamination.

Contact us to enquire about firstFlagX.


Anti-doping testing

firstFlagX requires a small amount of blood in the form of plasma or serum as a test sample, and does not require specialised equipment or personnel.

firstFlagX can detect a wide array of androgens, anabolic steroids, and SARMs. firstFlagX is time-effective, able to screen samples in less than 2 hours, and is high throughput, with a capacity of up to 88 concurrent samples per kit. Analysis is quick and easily interpreted on standard spreadsheet software.

The speed of InsituGen’s bioassays can allow timely out-of-competition or pre-race testing to flag samples of interest, rapidly screen a larger number of competing animals per race with a low cost-per-sample. 

Example testing using race-day samples from thoroughbred horses that were tested using the firstFlagX Androgen bioactivity test kit. Abnormal androgen bioactivity due to illicit doping in a gelding sample was missed by existing testing methods (i.e. targeted MS), but detected by firstFlagX.

Contact us to enquire about firstFlagX.


Androgen and Estrogen bioactivity test kits

InsituGen are now developing an estrogen bioactivity test kit with the same benefits as firstFlagX. Suitable for monitoring of contaminants in environmental and product samples, and many other applications.

Contact us to enquire about firstFlagX test kits for the detection of androgen or estrogen bioactivity.


InsituGen’s bioassay technology offers the opportunity for meaningful interventions and outcomes via a wide-range of applications.

InsituGen’s unique cell-free bioassay replicates nature, detecting any activation of steroid hormone receptors.

Bioassay technology detects all bioactivity against specific receptors, without prior knowledge of chemical structures, reference libraries, or expensive specialist equipment. InsituGen’s technology is non-targeted, able to detect all bioactivity from a steroid hormone family in a sample.

The technology has been tested for a range of applications including sports doping in animals and humans, hormone profiling in companion animals, environmental water monitoring, and testing of supplements and wellness products for human use.

Learn more about InsituGen’s bioassay technology, and explore the potential applications.


Detection of designer steroids in racing horses and camels

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Steroid hormone testing for sports and nutritional supplements and wellness products

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Wellness testing in companion animals

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Monitoring environmental steroid hormone contamination

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