Companion Animal Wellness

Steroid hormones in companion animals
are integral to health and well being.

Estrogens and androgens play key physiological roles in the normal functioning of each body system. In dogs, abnormal levels of these sex hormones can be toxic, leading to hair loss, oily skin, weight fluctuations, and increased aggression, amongst other adverse symptoms. In cats, dysfunction in normal levels of sex hormones can result in osteoporosis, hair loss, growth issues, and incontinence, amongst other adverse symptoms.

Changes to hormone levels in companion animals can point to larger problems.

The causes of dysfunction in sex hormone balance includes tumours, infections, chromosomal defects, autoimmune disorders, surgical intervention, diet, environments including hormone replacement therapy creams of pet parents.

Companion dogs are commonly spayed or neutered, which deplete androgen levels in males and estrogen levels in females. Administration of commonly prescribed androgen or estrogen-containing medications, and exposure to other steroid-containing sources by owners can all lead to significant health and welfare impacts. Obesity, urinary incontinence, various cancers, immune-mediated diseases, musculoskeletal disorders, and cognitive and behaviour problems can commonly arise as a result.


Companion animal wellness testing is a growing market.

Wellness testing for companion animals has become a major trend for pet owners. Wellness testing involves a proactive, preventative approach to safeguard the health and vitality of companion animals. As sex hormone levels are vital to the longevity of the companion animal, as well as the quality of life as the pet ages, there is a demand for an ease-of-use, in-house test that can be incorporated into wellness check-ups.

InsituGen is developing a timely and cost-effective test to report on total estrogenic and androgenic activity in the plasma of companion animals.

InsituGen’s bioassays can be used by veterinarians to establish a year-on-year hormonal profile, which can then be used to create a holistic overview of health and vitality. Wellness tests performed bi-annually can be used to build that personalised hormonal profile for individual pets over time. InsituGen’s bioassays can enhance the likelihood of detecting abnormalities and provide a vital opportunity to further diagnose and prevent illnesses before they arise.


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Detection of designer steroids in racing horses and camels

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